China - SYOPTEK International, a reputable supplier, exporter and manufacturer of fiber optic tools and fiber optic tool kits, now prides itself in being the supplier of the widest selection of WDM components, including CWDM , FWDM and DWDM components. The owners said that they now offer a disparate range of Wavelength Division Multiplexing components to suit the diverse needs and applications of the fiber optic networking industry, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring connectivity across many other sectors.
The owners of SYOPTEK told the press that their CWDM products include fullband 2x2 CWDM device, CWDM or OADM module, CWDM or OADM chassis, pain CWDM component as well as CWDM module. They added that their FWDM components include the most basic filter WDM, 1x2 FWDM module as well as FWDM chassis. SYOPTEK DWDM passive components also come in a wide variety, including but not limited to 1x2 DWDM modules, DWDM chassis and so on, the owners of the Hong Kong based manufacturing firm informed the press.
“Wavelength division multiplexing is a type of technology used in the fiber optic communications industry. It is highly useful in increasing the transmission capacity of fiber optic cables. It’s actually frequency division multiplexing which is widely used in the telecommunications industry. Our goal is to supply the field operators as well the corporations they work within with the latest WDM modules, which include CWDM modules, DWDM modules and FWDM modules”, a senior executive explained the purpose in a nutshell and also mentioned their business objectives during a press conference.
He also told that the prices of the products, including all sorts of passive components, have been kept at a competitive level so that their target customers can derive the cost advantages.
“We have been offering export-quality DWDM components since our inception in 2005 and we continue to offer our high-quality products to both domestic and international clients. We hope that the latest range of WDM components will find a great market inside and outside China. Customers can get in touch with our support team to place orders”, added the executive.
About the Company
SYOPTEK International is a top manufacturer of passive components. SYOPTEK strives to be your contract manufacturer of high-quality, low-cost optical-communications passive components
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