Breaking News: Federal Investigations into the violations against Ninti El Bey in Charlotte, NC

Democracy News has received information and reports that the federal regulators of Big Banks, primarily Office of the Comptroller of the Currency received complaints regarding JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.'s involvement in an unlawful eviction and deprivation of rights under the color of law through a crime ring in Charlotte NC lead by an attorney firm. The alleged crime ring includes licensed professionals; real estate agents and brokerage firms, attorney firms and several CMPD officers. For many years attorney firms have been able to get away with 'murder' because of their bar card and affiliations. Now the U.S. Department of Justice is holding bank representatives individually accountable for their own actions they commit while acting on behalf of the bank. These violators will pay for the crimes they commit in the banks name individually.

Recent incident happened in Charlotte, NC with a woman Ninti El Bey and her children having been displaced without notice or warning. The violators filed fictitious warrants to remove the woman from the home. The lawful thing to do would be to obtain a court order and allow due process of the law.The violators of the crime ring appear to not be in legal standing and appear to not be able to obtain a court ordered eviction.Otherwise should have done so.

The way the crime ring works; Attorney firms in the crime ring file the necessary court documents (fictitious warrants, citations, etc.) to carry out the tasks of moving tenants out of their way. Attorneys use law enforcement (CMPD) to execute the fictitious warrants. The real estate arm of the ring obtains property under false pretense. All parties involved reap monetary benefits from the sale of the property. The alleged bank they claim to be working for has no clue that the crime ring is acting in their name. Factually, the bank has no legal right to take title to the real property pursuant to federal statutes and sanctions (banks cannot legally produce valid ownership interest in the note). Therefore, the crime ring swarms relentlessly on these properties splitting the profits at the end sale. They have proven that they will do anything to keep this lucrative scheme going strong, including unlawful evictions, lockouts, holding personal property for ransom and ordering fictitious arrests against innocent people.

This alleged crime ring was so adamant about removing Ninti El Bey from her home that they did not seek legal processes in doing so. No 10 day notice, no court ordered eviction, no nothing. The home that the crime ring obtained under false pretenses is worth 800k. Crime ring acting in the name of JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. is looking to split profits among themselves this is a large amount of money from the sale of the property that stands to be made. This would be a life changing heist for the crime ring made up of licensed professionals and Charlotte Mecklenburg Officers in Charlotte, NC.

Democracy News

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  • City:Charlotte - North Carolina - United States
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