The producers of the Enterprises television show are pleased to announce that Solid Start, LLC will be featured in an upcoming segment on topics, trends, and issues related to “Leading Facility Management Technologies That Optimize Operational Efficiencies” as part of the show’s “American Industry” series.
Air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems are major energy consumers. US homeowners spend $11 billion annually on air conditioners alone, while businesses also spend billions on these systems each year. The main reason H-VAC systems consume so much energy is because they become less and less efficient over time, mostly due to a phenomenon known as "oil fouling". Oil buildup on the system creates a layer of insulation that forces the unit to use more energy. To solve this "oil fouling" problem, Cold-Plus was invented to reduce the consumption of energy in air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems.
Larrell and Dale Willis, the inventors of Cold-Plus have been building chemical products since 1976 and sell their products worldwide. Once injected, Cold-Plus removes the oil fouling from surfaces and replaces it with PTFE, the slipperiest substance known to man. What PTFE does is create a layer of submicron polymers that reduce the friction on refrigeration, thus preventing future "oil fouling". Compared to other products out there, the Cold-Plus formula is revolutionary in its ability to improve the efficiency of every part of the air conditioning and refrigeration systems. For more information on Solid Start, LLC, please visit
The Enterprises TV show combs the nation and the globe to bring viewers fascinating business stories and firsthand insights from entrepreneurs and business leaders within various industries. The television program is broadcast nationally and regionally on many popular cable television networks.
Kyra Burton