Innovation is indespensable in today‘s economy. Despite the risk and critics – every competetive enterprise must employ them. Such ideas have been shared in Vilnius Innovation Forum ‘Innovation Drift‘ in September. Almost 1500 people visited the event, while 60 speakers from 30 countries shared their insights.
Among the most popular speakers were former ‘LinkedIn‘ executive in Europe Kevin Eyres and ‘Mars One‘ co-founder and CEO Bas Lansdrop.
“The hyper growth of LinkedIn was always followed by a widespread doubt. I have been trying to figure out how doubt affects executives and experts in other teams and realized that we need a new style of leadership. It should be open to doubts and connect our brain to our heart. Our doubts prevent us from creating something unique and contaminates minds of people in our environment”, K. Eyres shared his experience.
One of the key speakers in Day 2 of the Forum was Director for Accelerators and Technology at CERN Dr. Frederick Bordry. He highlighted that knowledge should be accessible to everyone in the society, if we seek innovation.
“It is vital to work closely wordwide, prepare scientists, engineers, who would create prosperity for everyone“, he said. F. Bordry is confident that science and research must be applied and commercialized. According to him, the investment to science will help to save funds in the future.
Special sessions were dedicated to IP, drones, space research, bio economy and creative industries. The speakers have agreed that innovation are accompanied by constant risk, while most of the famours entrepreurs have at some point faced failure. However after the setback one has to get back on his feet and try again, the accumulated experience and persistence will eventually pay off.
The Vilnius Innovation Forum 2015 was hosted by the Ministry of Economy and the Agency of Science, Innovation and Technology. The event is sponsored by the European Regional Development Fund.