We Are Troubled On Every Side Outreach Programs (WATOES) is once again preparing for their Annual Awards Program. The event promises to be an enjoyable and pleasurable experience this year.
This year, the Annual Awards Program will be held on Saturday, October 31, 2015, 2:00 p.m. at the Canton Museum of Art located at 1001 Market Ave. N., Canton, Ohio 44702. A donation of $10 per person is requested.
Please RSVP ASAP! Call Katherine Baylock at 234-207-0674.
Annually, part of this event allows WATOES to award a scholarship to local entities of our choice in the memory of Dr. Penny Bernstein and Nelson & Gwendolyn Polk.
The WATOES Mission Statement: "Empowering people through community services to build healthy self esteem."
The WATOES Moto: "Positive, Productive People make a better society."
WATOES programming includes Seniors Activities, Transitional Development Process (TDP) activities, parenting sessions, youth/family educational field trips, and tutoring.
WATOES Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9072, Canton, OH 44711
WATOES website: www.watoes.com
Katherine Baylock