Development Beyond Learning (DBL) has launched a new way of developing people through an innovation called Engagement Dynamics.
Incorporating the principles of gamification, Engagement Dynamics is a world-first solution for the Learning and Development industry, and answers three of the biggest questions for L&D professionals building development programs:
1) How can we engage the participant before and after the face-to-face learning takes place, so learning can be effective and bring about real behavioural change?
2) How can we engage not only the learner, but managers, coaches and mentors to aid the development process?
3) How can we prove learning and development has worked and there is a return on investment (ROI)?
Engagement Dynamics essentially accelerates behavioural changes and development on-the-job, focusing on the 70% of the 70:20:10 model of learning and development. This process is brought to life through the newly developed app, e3edge+.
Engagement Dynamics and e3edge+ were successfully launched last week across the globe, in DBL development programs being carried out in London – UK, Essen – Germany, Toronto – Canada, Luxembourg City – Luxembourg, and Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia.
Why did we develop this? In a recent study conducted by TalentLMS, results showed that 80% of learners said they would be more productive if their work was more game-like; 89% of learners say a point system would boost engagement; 62% said they would be more motivated if leaderboards were involved and there was competition between colleagues.
According to DBL’s cofounder and chairman Gary Lear, “Gamification in L&D works because it is relevant and rewarding, and ultimately leverages employee engagement to achieve corporate development objectives. This is what Engagement Dynamics is designed to facilitate”.
“Engagement Dynamics engages the learner, their managers and measures ROI of the development program” he adds. “Simply adding gaming elements to your L&D strategy is not enough. Engagement Dynamics is about changing behaviours, on-the-job and this is achieved through the principles of gamification”.
“Gamified environments increase engagement and motivate us to do things we might not have otherwise done and, if applied well, are an effective way to influence an individual’s decisions and behaviours” says Lear. “Should development programs be turned in to games? No. Would it be smart to get leverage from their principles? Absolutely” he adds.
Engagement Dynamics and gamification now plays an integral role in the development programs DBL is designing for clients around the world and Lear believes it will truly changing the face of learning.
“We believe that technology will drive learning, and people will drive development. Engagement Dynamics and e3edge+ is our first step in a line of innovative developments we have for this year, that bring about real behavioural changes, on-the-job, where it counts”.
Visit for a complimentary quick start guide to Engagement Dynamics.
Media Contact
Louisa Nightingale