Laura Stack launched her company over two decades ago and has since worked with everyone from Fortune 500 companies to aspiring entrepreneurs seeking the secret success. During her tenure as the leader of her industry, and a pillar within the business community, Stack has kept a running tally of the top fifteen (15) traits that usually lead to professional team success, with her September 8th blog is dedicated to revealing these traits in detail.
“Success doesn’t often happen overnight. There is a lot of hard work that goes into creating a viable brand or product and then reinventing it to keep up with changing consumer needs and demands in technology,” said Laura Stack. “However, I’ve noticed the fifteen traits of successful teams that I mention in my blog don’t ever change. They are solid qualities that help companies adapt to trends and push a business owner forward, which is why I felt so inspired to share them!”
Some of Laura Stack’s success characteristics include celebrations, creativity, diverse skill sets, and respect. The blog, which is free to access and available to anyone with or without a subscription to The Productivity Pro® website, has an archive of valuable business advice for business owners, team leaders, and decision makers who have to coach employees.
“A company can’t be successful without the proper training and knowledge. Sure, they may have some success, but long-term the company will need to implement internal strategies and provide tools to further the skillset of everyone who empowers it. The characteristics I’m listing for this particular blog help teams reach success and exceed their own expectations.”
Laura Stack is available to discuss this issue, among other workplace and performance related concerns, upon request. All credentials are qualified, and Ms. Stack is available via phone, email, Skype, live local to national feed, or as an Op-Ed contributor.
For information on creating a culture of productivity, visit website, Email, or call 303-471-7401 (tel:303-471-7401).
About: Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE, aka The Productivity Pro®, gives speeches and seminars to help leaders increase team and personal productivity. For over 25 years, she’s worked with Fortune 1000 clients to improve output, increase speed in execution, and save time in the office. Laura is the author of seven books, including the upcoming Doing the Right Things Right: How the Effective Executive Spends Time.
Vece Inc. w/ Laura Stack