Organic Muscle and Strength Training

If you are one of those believers of the myth that sleeping and eating is the way for gaining weight, you are wrong. So here we go, where you could do some easy stuff for muscle gaining without relying on expensive gym workout, fatiguing regimes or comfortless protein shakes.

Resolutions start to fade when the mornings come too soon alarming your strength training regimes and protein shake diet with things that you don’t want to do, things that you don’t want to eat.

Start the Day with a Glass of Water

Give your sleepy muscles a revival splash with a glass of water (don’t be disappointed though if it doesn’t by any means help in reviving you out of your morning snooze). Water being the basic source of life plays a valuable role in helping you gain better muscle tone as well. You don’t have to calculate every glass you drink or gulp down forcefully when you are not thirsty. However, it often happens that in order to absorb the goodness of water, people tend to get addicted to water unknowingly and drink it like a snack. This can cause any lungs or kidney disorders if taken too far. Point is, there is no need to overdo anything. 3-4liters of water a day with having one or two gulps at a time suffice.

Exercise- Movement, All the Same

We don’t feel the same every day, but most of us lead a life with identical days. So why not make your exercise a flexible, fun and enjoyable course of using your muscles and gaining strength. Dancing, kick boxing, swimming, can be fun and stress bursting ways to gain some strength other than exerting everyday at the gym, which can be very boring after a point of time and expensive too. You don’t need to do that. Climbing stairs, walking, cycling and running are also excellent free of cost resources of building muscles as they are for shedding or preventing excess fat deposits. Taking a long walk, a few stations to office or returning can be great ways to exercise your muscles.

Weight lifting is a major source for gaining muscle tone. And doing the weights can happen at home as well, all you need is the proper instructions.

Eat What You Like-Like What You Eat

Morning Coffee

Do you know that coffee can stimulate your muscles and works like an anti-oxidant and relieves stress? Well, this is seen as a good source of fat by many dieticians and physicists. A cup of coffee early in the morning not only freshen your mind but also helps stimulate your collagens, that you get the most out of your exercise and weight lifting.


Having 5-6 almonds every morning can give you silent results you are going to love. Almonds pack in a great source of Vitamin-E and essential calories that help muscle growth as you burn your calories with heavy workout.


Eggs have a lot of things, which include protein of high quality, all the essential amino acids, the good fat, choline and vitamin D. Hence, it is undoubtedly an indispensible source for energy.


Chickpeas are excellent vegan source of essential fiber, carbohydrates and protein. A handful of chickpeas can be a very healthy and handy snack. It is one of the main sources of muscle gaining and strength.

Cottage Cheese

Did u know that cottage cheese is a primary source for casein protein? It is a slow digesting protein, which enables one to maintain muscle perfectly. Cottage cheese provides calcium, vitamin B12 and many other important nutrients that will surely give you more muscles and strength.

Whey Protein

The most popular protein supplement, whey protein is highly efficacious. In body builders consume it right after they have worked out. Eating it with meals assist you gain muscle mass and an overall boost to your weight. For more details please visit at .


Owing to its glycemic index (G1) value, oatmeal makes an ideal source for carbs. The benefits that oatmeal render include greater micronutrient with more fiber, increased level of satiety, decreased unnecessary appetite and a perfect balance of no unwanted fat deposits yet a constant muscle prevention.

Whole Grains

For getting sustained energy level and overall health whole grains work better than refined grains. Brown rice, one of the chief whole grains, enables increase in hormonal level essential for lean muscle growth and loss of unwanted fat.

Skinless Chicken

Similar to lean beef, skinless chicken forms an excellent source for high quality protein. It helps in muscle maintenance, weight maintenance and bone health.


Salmon and Tuna are great sources of protein that is the most essential nutrient for muscle gain. Whereas, other fish can equally do the job, that doesn’t have to be too expensive. With high protein, low fat and rich omega-3 contents, fish ensure mass gain and proper functioning of all the important processes of the body.

Lean Beef

Conducive to muscle mass, lean beef is a staple for muscle gain. Three ounce of lean beef measures 154 calories only but has ten essential nutrients, which include zinc, iron and vitamins. Moreover, the lean beef acts as a primary source for amino acids and superior quality protein, which function with insulin for promoting muscle growth.

Harley Body Clinic

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