Cheryl Stewart, 2015 What A Fan Awards community service award nominee

Sports fans have been an important part of the explosive success both collegiate and professional athletics has enjoyed. In 2013 a recognition award show was created to honor fans and their contribution to the sports industry it's called the What A Fan Awards. Its been held in Orlando Florida but will be relocated to Los Angeles California in 2016. Over the coming weeks What A Fan is going to introduce you to some of the countries most devoted fans of all genres of sports in their own words.

Meet Cheryl Stewart nominee for Community Service Award. Tampa Bay Bucs fan.

When asked why Cheryl should be nominated for the award she responded with...

"I volunteer, a lot. I also organize volunteering opportunities for groups of Buccaneer fans. About two years ago I started a little division of What The Buc? called "What The Buc Really Matters?" which is dedicated to helping others, We wanted fans to know that there was more going on within the Buccaneers’ organization than football games, draft parties and players’ autographs. Our franchise is rich with players, past and present, that are deeply involved in charities. Charities require “hands” and no matter your economic situation you can help. We always knew people wanted to do more if they just knew how, so like everything else we have done with WTB?, we jumped right in. With the help of social media we were able to answer the cries for help. We got involved by asking questions and by showing up. Early on maybe a handful of people would volunteer, I am proud to share with you that we just registered 60 sets of hands for a holiday event where we helped feed over 1000 people. "

That's not even the beginning of the story. Continuing to explain who they collectively help she continued...

"We have sent goodies to the troops overseas, packaged food for Africa, lent our voice to pediatric cancer, helped with the battle against domestic violence, raised money for the American Heart Association, grown beards for Movember, worn pink bras in October and provided toys for little ones during some scary times. For the 2012 season I introduced "themed" tailgates. Sometimes they coincided with league events such as breast cancer, often they were exclusive to our members. We were able to collect 100 new bed pillows for The Spring of Tampa Bay (our local domestic violence shelter) during our "Pillow Fight Against Domestic Violence", In December we collected 150 baby dolls under our "Meatheads love Women" for the little girls living in that same shelter during Christmas. Each game benefited a local charity, and we were now known for our contributions. The 2012 season also brought on raffles. What better way to reward our generous members for their donations (time, money or both) than with autographed memorabilia. We raised money for the American heart Association, Movember and a local gentleman that purchases 1500 bikes a year for underprivileged children. I am humbled constantly by the support people have given me. I have the good fortune to be friends with many "super fans" and am often gifted with their "painted-up" presence at my events. The show of support these past few years is amazing. I volunteer with The Ryan Nece Foundation, Earnest Graham and the 1Voice Foundation, The Spring of Tampa Bay, The Shriners Hospital, Metropolitan Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Feed the Children and a handful of others. . I raise awareness and funds for Movember, American Heart Association and Breast Cancer. All year long I buy jerseys and footballs and whatever else I can get my hands on, then wait for a player signing event. I use this signed memorabilia to sell raffle tickets with proceeds benefiting any number of our charities. Sometimes I make gift baskets with the autographed items and donate them to a charitable event. I do all of this while flying under the Buccaneer flag. I was just recently asked how much money I thought I had raised in the past few years. "Not enough, not nearly enough".

Robert Fitzgerald stated, "This is why we do what we do at What A Fan. These amazing people go virtually unnoticed by the general public. If Cheryl can do all this we hope it inspires someone to get involved with anything. Even a few minutes a month can make a difference for someone. That's nothing compared to someone like this."

Cheryl will be at What A Fan's Sports Fan Conference September 3 through 7 at the Orlando Convention Center. It will be an event for all sports fans.

Bob Fitzgerald

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