After mapping out his vision of a digitalized India at the Digital India launch on July 1, Anil Ambani has now stepped into delivery mode with the Group’s telecom subsidiary, RCom pushing out the first of its kind content and cloud delivery network, Cloud Xchange to Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The company plans rolling it out across 11 cities overall by the year end.
Cloud Xchange is a unique innovation taking Cloud services to a whole new level in India by leveraging private and government establishments to run multi-tiered apps directly on their own networks, pulling back the average turnaround time from a few months to just a few minutes. It is also a push for cloud enterprise apps with network transparency and cloud orchestration.
With Cloud X nodes, private and public sector clientele will have their compute storage access amplified by over 240 times while high-speed storage access goes up by over six times.
"Cloud X is changing the paradigm of cloud computing. The network must now undergo a profound transformation, from a static entity to a dynamic, intelligent, application aware fabric that can support multiple traffic requirements, diverse geographies and flexible pricing models," RCom (Enterprise) and Global Cloud Xchange CEO Bill Barney told in a statement.
Ambani had also promised Rs 10,000 crore towards the Cloud and telecom space and for over the past one year, RCom and its cloud partner Global Cloud Xchange have been engaged in building advanced cloud networking infrastructure with capabilities like self- provisioning of network resources and bandwidth-on-demand.
Reliance Group, with 11 high powered data centers set up on the nation’s largest framework of terrestrial fiber network and the world’s largest network of submarine sub-sea cable, and over 600,000 square feet of built-up infrastructure, leads as the largest provider of digital storage and access across the country.
Meanwhile, Reliance Communications has said that it will optimize Cloud X’s bandwidth for high traffic requirements and introduce customized client-friendly pricing models that maximize output against spends.
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Rahul Bakshi