FOSTER CITY, Calif. -- NAAFA strongly objects to a series of stigmatizing and fat-shaming ads created by the League Against Obesity-Guatemala. The ads feature fat men in attire specific to particular occupations, ie. Astronaut, firefighter and Air Force pilot, with the caption “NO KID DREAMS OF BECOMING AN OVERWEIGHT ADULT”. Studies have shown that shaming and stigmatizing fat people will do nothing to positively affect the health of the populace and in fact serves to increase negative attitudes toward obese people.
“Social science research shows that stigma leads to a higher risk of self-harm, poorer health and social isolation for people with, as well as people threatened with, the stigmatized characteristic,” states Deb Burgard, PhD., Clinical Psychologist, Eating Disorders Specialist and NAAFA Advisory Board Member. “Fat or thin, we all pay dearly for a culture that stigmatizes the diversity of human bodies. Surely the ethical path is to liberate us all from this burden, not to intensify it.”
The study Weight Stigma: Health Implications concludes that weight stigma:
· Compromises psychological well-being
· Is NOT an effective motivator for lifestyle changes
· Affects healthcare
More positive media portrayals of obese individuals may help reduce weight stigma and its associated negative health outcomes according to a 2012 study.
NAAFA, a civil rights organization working for Equality at Every Size, wants the League Against Obesity-Guatemala to know that fat shaming and public embarrassment do not achieve positive results. They are tools of the dark ages.
“NAAFA urges people to understand and embrace size diversity. We come in all sizes. You cannot determine a person’s health, ability to do a good job or talent based on their body size." stated Peggy Howell, NAAFA’s Vice Chairman & Public Relations Director.
Founded in 1969, NAAFA is a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA works to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support.
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Peggy Howell