VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- For the3rd Annual CAN SportsDay event.The event will invite275childrenwith autism to participatein sportsactivities ledbyathletesand mascots fromVancouver’sfour professional sportsteams.
“Wearethrilled that allfour professional sportsteamswill uniteonce againin supportof individuals andfamiliesliving with autism,”says KatyHarandi, CEO, CanucksAutismNetwork.“Last year’s CANSportsDayeventwas an incredible successandwe are delighted tobe abletoaccommodate 75 moreparticipantswith autismand their parentsthisyear.This eventis anamazing opportunityforchildren onthe spectrum tofeel accepted, safeand supported whileparticipating in sportsactivitiesalongsidetheirsports heroes.”
“We’rethrilled toagain join our friends fromthe‘Caps, Lions andCanadians forCAN SportsDaytocelebrate and embrace sport withthemanyinspiring kids and families participating,”said VancouverCanucksPresident, HockeyOperations, TrevorLinden.“This issucha funevent for thesedeservingfamiliesandsomething we’re honored tobe a partof.”
“TheBC Lions Football Clubis excitedtobe participating in the 3rdAnnual CAN SportsDayevent,saysJamieTaras,Director, CommunityRelations.“Every year sofar has been an incredible successjoiningforceswithall four pro sports teamsin theprovinceforone fun-filled afternoon! This isa wonderfulopportunity for familiesand their children affected byautismtohave aspecialexperiencealong withsomeof their favorite local sportspersonalities”.
“CAN SportsDayis a fantastic program that has brought Vancouver’sprofessional sportsteamstogether,”saidWhitecapsFC President, BobLenarduzzi. “It issospecialthatwe can cometogetherforaworthwhile causeand bring joytothesevery deserving families.Giving back tothe community isextremely importantto the‘Caps and we hope that our participation resultsin positivememoriesforthesekids for yearsto come.”
“Providing young peoplewith theopportunitytodevelop importantlifeskills issomething that both theVancouver Canadians andthe CanucksAutism Network believestrongly in,”states Andy Dunn,Presidentand Partner,VancouverCanadians. “Wecouldn’t bemoreexcited tobeinvolved in theonlyannualeventthatjoinsallfourprofessionalsports teams in Vancouver with theend goalbeing to provide anincredible experienceforthe young people thatdevelop through the Canucks AutismNetwork”.
Media are invitedto attend at 2 p.m. PTand enter through the Eastgate entrance.Openingceremonies will take placeat 2:00 p.m.PT followed by a group photo prior tothe start ofthe sportsactivities.CanucksAutismNetworkCEO,Katy Harandi,and selectfamilies living with autism will beavailable forinterviews between 2:00 p.m.PTand 4:00 p.m.PT.
PLEASENOTE:Team representativeswill beavailablefor interviewsat 4:00 p.m
Canucks Autism Network