MIDLAND, Texas -- Oil & Gas Industry website platforms focus on networking people with oilfield information. The most common happens to be a jobs board. An employment applicant can easily discover open jobs at various companies in the oil field. There are websites that focus on providing a platform to post equipment or royalties. All of these websites happen to be free and available to anyone in the industry. There is another information platform that many competitors try to capitalize on. Oilfield directories are prevalent. Many try to gather Oil and Gas Company's information and bind them together in an old fashioned directory. In addition, they provide access to the directory online or in an app. The negating factor is the cost to acquire these resources. Most directories charge upwards of $100 to obtain a 5lb book or access the online amenities. A bargain price for the amount of information one receives for subscribing to these services.
This information is vital to oil field personnel, which is in the hands of the minor population. Currently, companies will most likely buy one directory for their office and stash it away. They have employees in the office and field communicating with vendors and customers regarding logistics and operations. These everyday oil field workers need a free source they can go to find locations, contact personnel, discover companies, and search products to optimize their functionality.
Petronaut is a free interactive platform displaying vital information in the Permian Basin oilfield. Available to everyone, users can access any company and view their locations, contacts, products, and services. Petronaut was created to remodel the way personnel connect with each other. With this information available to everyone, oilfield personnel can communicate and conduct operations quicker. It's a user-friendly experience with search queries displaying results in milliseconds. It's the search engine of the oilfield.
While assisting the field level, Petronaut can drastically help companies select vendors to meet their needs. A decision maker can find products and services on one organized platform. While displaying their results, they can pick and choose from competitors. They will be assured that their results contain every vendor available to fulfill their requirements. The website thrives on user interaction. Companies can edit their profile, which contains information and differentiates them from their other locations. Adding more keywords regarding their products and services will ensure they show up on search engine results. Managers and salesmen can add their credentials on their company profile to improve their presence. Also, companies will be able to select their "On-Call" personnel for nights and weekends.
Petronaut was not designed to create a better directory; it was designed to optimize the oilfield. The website will alter the way oilfield workers search for information. It will be the vital information platform for the Oil & Gas Industry. We will continue to innovate the way the oilfield connects with each other. Stay tuned for our newest features being launched every month.