MENIFEE, Calif. -- Social Media for Photographers – Instagram
I am amazed how many photographers are not utilizing Instagram. With over 300 million active monthly users (, this platform is ideal for photographers to connect with potential clients. In this post, we will be outlining how to create and utilize your Instagram account. Please keep in mind, this is not a detailed, marketing tutorial. However, if you do not have an IG account or your IG account is not connected to your Facebook Business Page then this is a post to you! :)
In an effort to further connect with our customers, I recently visited around 50 Facebook Business pages with the sole purpose of connecting via Instagram. I was astounded that only 2 of those pages had an IG account attached to their page. If you are looking to build your business and further your reach on the world wide web, I would highly recommend creating a “business” IG account. While, Instagram is not currently offering specific business profiles (like on Facebook), it is good practice to create an account separate from your personal account (if you have one). However, if you’d like to include photos of your kids, pets and home improvement projects mixed in with your business photos then have at it!
1. Set up an Instagram account
Setting up an IG account is very simple. Just download the app ( on your smartphone or tablet and create an account. One of the great things about this platform is you can connect on the go! Whether you are sitting at the DMV or waiting in line at Starbucks, you can connect with friends and potential clients – building your brand and expanding your online presence.
2. Adding Instagram to Facebook
This step is actually easier than most people think and it is very valuable in connecting with your past and future clients!
While logged in to your personal Facebook page, visit the following URL: This will begin the process of adding an Instagram Tab to your Facebook Business page.
Then, make sure that you select the Facebook Business Page where you would like the tab installed. (Some folks have multiple business pages) Once you have the correct page selected, hit the ‘Add Instagram Feed Tab’ button and you will be prompted to input your IG username and password. (You created these during Step 1)
That’s it! You don’t have to upgrade to the paid version of this application and you now see your Instagram feed as well as button for your clients to add you to their network!
3. Make Sure You’re Not Private
Although I understand the need for private accounts, if you want folks to be able to see your fabulous professional photos, you’re going to need to make sure that your ‘business’ IG account is not set to private. This is another reason that it might be wise to have a personal and business profile. If you’d like to see an example of this Instagram Tab in action, take a look at our Facebook Business Page (!
4. Utilize Hashtags
One of the easiest ways for future clients to find your company is to utilize hashtags. Nope, these are not just for young people. Hashtags are actually a very valuable tool, especially on a platform such as Instagram. Every time we post a beautiful photo from one of our customers to IG we always include a variety of hashtags including: #newbornphotography. This is one of the ways that people search for IG profiles that might interest them so make sure that you aren’t overlooked!
That’s it! Just follow these couple steps and you are already way ahead of the curve! If you have any trouble or have any questions regarding these steps just shoot us an email ( and we will do our very best to help you out!
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