YONKERS, N.Y. -- Sunday 26 April 2015
New York Rose of Tralee Selection 2015
MC: Sean Ruane & Presenter Seamus Keane (Narrowbacks)
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Meet & Greet
(Doors open at 3:00 pm)
Program begins at 3:30 pm
“The Rose of Tralee Selection”
Advanced Purchase Ticket, $75 each for Sunday Selection Night
$750 for table of ten; children under 13 $50
General Admission at door $85
Includes - Buffet Dinner & two drink tickets
Cash bar
For information and tickets:
Karen Murphy - NYRoseOfTraleeCenter@gmail.com
Empire City, Yonkers Raceway, Bridget O'Brien PR and Events, Tourism Ireland, Dooley Rent-A-Car, CIE Tours, Ireland's Own, Celtic Complexion, Sandra's Skin Care - (Katonah Ave. Bronx)
Slattery's Midtown Pub, Nelly Spillane's- Midtown East
THEIA by Don O'Neill, Jacqueline Quinn Designer, Pamela Curtin Millinery PortLaoise, Ireland
Clinton Stables, New York City, UFEIS,
USG Performing Arts Presenters, Rosy Heart Foundation
A Rose reflects the intelligence, compassion, and independence of modern Irish women. Over the years, our Roses have mirrored a changing Ireland and the definition of Irishness that is celebrated by so many different people around the world. Roses have come to reflect the widening of irish borders and the embracing of our global diaspora in a positive and refreshing way.
Unateresa Gormley, Cultural Director of USG Performing Arts Presenters, Inc., The New York/New Jersey Rose Of Tralee would like to invite clubs, groups, businesses or individuals to participate by sponsoring a young lady or young man and to honor them for their contributions to the community. Our program includes Jr. Roses and Jr Ambassadors, Rosebuds and Little Buddy's
A Rose represents the collective aspirations, social responsibilities, and ambitions of young women from a variety of communities and cultural backgrounds, united by their desire to celebrate their Irish Heritage.
Purchase tickets here http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-new-york-rose-of-tralee-...
Media Contact
Bridget O'Brien