PHOENIX -- Shade Projects is proud to present Wilderness: Scenes from the Passenger Screen, the solo exhibition of Nic Wiesinger in Bokeh Gallery at the monOrchid. This exhibition showcases the artist’s latest series of photography examining ideas about the Wilderness, while utilizing current technology to obtain imagery of these designated wilderness areas. Wiesinger poses important questions through his artwork such as “How do we define Wilderness, and what is truly wild in this country of wifi and google?” Wiesinger presents photography taken of maps showing areas with wilderness designations paired with pictures of those same areas seen from Google Maps Street Views.
What defines a Wilderness, well according to the Wilderness Act of 1964 “it is an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain”. The artist hopes to engage his audience and get the conversation started regarding the importance of the Wilderness as well as that of technology, says Shade Projects Curator, Nicole Royse who goes on to say "we hope this engaging body of work will leave you asking questions."
Wiesinger was traditionally trained in Photography at the Herron School of Art and Design and he also holds an MFA in Intermedia Art from Arizona State University. His artwork varies in media from audio, video, books, two-dimensional scans and manipulations, and web based interactive relational art that ties and connects the artwork with the community. When asked what inspires his work Wiesinger says “my art speaks, predominately, about how we communicate as a society, and how these systems of communication can either help to gain understanding or how they can sometimes hinder it.”
He has exhibited extensively in Arizona and most recently concluded his membership with Eye Lounge Artist Collective in Phoenix. He has exhibited at several local galleries in addition to several prestigious institutions including ASU Art Museum and the Phoenix Art Museum. Also Wiesinger was a recipient of the 2013 Contemporary Forum Artist Grant. Most recently Wiesinger was included in the Phoenix New Times 2014 edition of “100 Creatives”.
The Opening Reception will be held on First Friday, May 1st from 6-10pm with the artist in attendance. The Closing Reception will be held Third Friday, May 15th from 7-10pm featuring an intimate evening with the artist, amazing artwork, wine and more. Wilderness: Scenes from the Passenger Screen will be on display in Shade Gallery at the monOrchid from May 1 until May 31, 2015. The monOrchid is located at 214 E. Roosevelt Street in the heart of Phoenix's downtown Roosevelt Row Arts District. The building is open daily and the exhibition may be viewed during business hours. Visit our website for more information at For media inquiries or a private appointment to view this exhibition Please contact Shade Projects Curator, Nicole Royse by phone at (602) 810-3449 or by email at
Shade Projects Curator, Nicole Royse