Breathing and Meditation Teacher Training Online (Digital Download)

by Zenhaling™ is pleased to announce the release of their Online Breathing & Meditation Teacher Training , a comprehensive online training program now available for anyone to learn and teach the once secret Breathing and Meditation Techniques. This program has been condensed and can be completed from your computer or I-Pad. After suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the pro­gram, indi­vid­u­als will be extended the Licens­ing Rights to teach the 60 or 90 Minute Ver­sions of the class or inte­grate the Zen­hal­ing™ Breath­ing or Med­i­ta­tion knowl­edge into your per­sonal or pro­fes­sional teach­ings as an Occu­pa­tional Ther­a­pist, Yoga or Dance Instruc­tor, Music Teacher, Coach, Indi­vid­ual Prac­tice, agent of change, etc. The Zen­hal­ing™ Teacher Train­ing pro­gram can be done in your own space, at your own pace and will enhance your exist­ing knowl­edge and add solid con­tent to your cur­rent arse­nal of exer­cises and tech­niques that you teach.
Tim Kelly, creator of Zenhaling™ says, “As the world around us con­tin­ues to evolve, we all have the unique oppor­tu­nity to impact oth­ers around us. Imag­ine the pos­si­bil­i­ty of being con­fi­dent enough to make a dif­fer­ence in the way some­one breathes or is able to cope with their every­day stress? You can really make a dif­fer­ence as your work with Zen­hal­ing™ strikes at a soul level. Breath & Mind. We have 60,000 thoughts and take 23,000 breaths daily. Learning these fundamentals can change the way we experience each breath and every moment of our life.”
The Online Teacher Train­ing pro­gram includes:
• The Train­ing Man­ual (156 pages)
• Full DVD Set (5 DVD’s or Video Down­loads)
• Online Final Exam via Google Hang­out.
• Two Live Coach­ing Calls via Skype or Google Hang­out.
• Cer­tifi­cate of Com­ple­tion
• Addi­tion to Zen­hal­ing™ Web­site Instruc­tor Reg­istry
• Licens­ing Rights to Teach Breath­ing & Med­i­ta­tion (one year)
More information is available at

About Tim Kelly
Tim has had over a dozen surgeries and continues to heal his physical body with his formula of combining the Zen Essence, Yogic Path and Martial Spirit with breath and meditation and movement to achieve balance and flexibility on and off the mat.

About Zenhaling
Zen­hal­ing™ com­bines the Zen Essence, Yogic Path and Mar­tial Spirit with Breath, Med­i­ta­tion, Move­ment & Energy and allows any­one to explore and dis­cover the secret tech­niques of Breath­ing, Med­i­ta­tion and Energy once known only by Yogis, Zen Mas­ters and Mar­tial Artists. Our mis­sion is to make this knowledge avail­able to every­one.
For more information please visit

Leah Stauffer

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  • City:Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - United States
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