It’s not “income inequality” that threatens the future economic growth of our country, it is “income confiscation” that saps our strength, according to Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens.
America was built on the premise that “hard work deserves to be rewarded, not deterred, and we reward hard work in a free society with what we call income,” Weber explained.
He said that “the economy slows when the incentive to work is replaced by government programs that create dependence. It happens when our leaders beat the war drums of class warfare and income inequality, instead of encouraging Americans to work and allowing them to keep the income they sacrifice to earn.”
In an Opinion Article published at this week, Weber railed against the “unconscionably divisive” tactics that liberal politicians are using these days to win votes. “Chief among their ploys is the fabricated notion of income inequality, a campaign phrase with a nice ring to it, if you are a politician who has little else to offer.”
Weber pointed out that while “all men are created equal,” as the Declaration of Independence phrases it, each of us is “blessed with different talents, levels of opportunity, ambitions and the proclivity or disposition for work.” The incentive for that disposition for work is a paycheck, he said.
Therefore, he added, “The real culprit that is hurting American workers is not income inequality, it is government gluttony, or in a phrase, income confiscation. We work hard, and the government takes more and more of what we earn. Bloated taxation, or income confiscation, is destroying the country we love.”
Weber offered solutions as well as opinion. He said: “We have to cut taxes and discontinue programs that do not work, that take away jobs and responsibilities from the private sector that belong there, that the president thinks buy him votes, or that a congressman considers his personal pet project – all with your money. We have to root out the pervasive overspending and fraud in government and genuinely commit to eliminating wasteful spending.”
The AMAC chief said that we need to neutralize the impact of the invective that left leaning politicians are using to recruit voters.
“The liberals have used the term Income Inequality in conjunction with their attacks on our free enterprise system. I feel sure that they tested that message with a focus group and received good feedback. So we must find a way to counter their indoctrination. I asked a number of people if they had heard that term and 95% said they had. If conservatives started to explain income confiscation and how it hurts people and the economy, we could cancel out their campaign and start educating voters on what is really causing most of our problems. The truth is, income confiscation by government, is taking away the good life from American wage earners”
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