MORRISTOWN, N.J. -- Gary Ritibitri
Staff Writer
A local north jersey growing family was faced with a common problem many families face, running out of space to live harmoniously as a family.
Kevin & Roxanne live in a small 2 bedroom ranch with 3 children and they just don’t have enough space. So they did as others and started looking for larger homes, naturally they wanted to keep the children in the same school system, but in the town they live they just couldn’t afford the size home they needed to accommodate the family.
That’s when they decided to take control of their financial destiny by seeking out an expert in asset optimization Geoff Guirk. In doing so created $35,250 of wealth, completely transformed their financial present and future. While simultaneously getting to custom design a completely new home that everyone in the family got to put some input on and now comfortably houses the entire family.
Guirk created an extremely unique business model that accomplishes multiple objectives simultaneously and very quickly. When I asked him to elaborate on that Guirk said "One of the biggest assets we purchase in our life are the houses we buy, we then call home.
"Most do it all wrong. They settle down the path of least resistance and either accepts a reality of frustration, not knowing there are resources and solutions to their situation. Or for lack of knowledge wind up buying a turn key house based on their budget and not truly being happy, but feel they have no choice because that’s what they can afford. This unfortunate reality happens every day and in mostly all cases is because another option isn’t presented to them."
Guirk went on to further say "This one decision can be the difference of catapulting your wealth in a short period of time or slowly crawling trying to grow your prosperity through out your entire life.
My business model does exactly that, it catapults your wealth in an amazingly short period of time, while simultaneously providing a home, to house you and your families memories…While having the ability to custom design the home as well".
Guirk went into to detail and explained how he created his business model and continues growing and perfecting it to this very day. He said it all started when he bought his first home the very same way using a variety and combination of several unique resources that took what Guirk said "felt like an eternity to piece together".
He was able to buy that home No Money Down and actually got cash at closing to improve the home and created $150,000 in wealth and used that to create his own family bank He insisted on showing me proof. Showed me the actual listing showing what he purchased the home for and a then showed me copy of the appraisal.
I was amazed and felt sort of out of the loop when Guirk told me this "Some of the Programs You Can get Upwards of $1,000,000 to buy and improve a home. You can even buy raw land and custom design your own home…Even Get 8 Months No Mortgage Payments".
Guirk said "I know that sounds crazy but its true and I do it all the time".
With this business model Guirk said "Its not only possible for an average local north jersey family to create 6 figures in wealth in a 6 month time frame it’s a proven model.
What's incredibly unique is that it can be done using very little, to no money of their own money. This business model does in fact catapult your wealth while simultaneously giving a family the ability to custom designs their dream home.
What speaks volumes about Geoff Guirk is that he practices what he preaches, everything he teaches his clients he has done himself.
Just like Kevin And Roxanne featured in this very article who did the exact very thing. Geoff was able to get them $166,750 cash to custom design every facet of the home by adding an entire level doubling the size of the home and in the process instalty create $35,320 of wealth for their family without using any of their own money.
This is only the start and tip of the iceberg of working with Geoff Guirk.
Geoff has a multi step ongoing process, where each steps buidls of each another to compound the wealth created, while at the same time protecting the on going compound wealth creation, to maximize and protect the wealth created.
The next step will be wiping out all the family consumer debt. In most cases this will create massive amount of monthly cash flow while saving thousands of dollar in interest which can be redirected to Geoff's next phase.
His concept of creating their very own family bank.
The concept is the same concept of any other bank Guirk said "Arbitrage". "When banks take your deposit, they lend it back to you in many cases. In essence charging you interest on your money.
Well this concept is the exact same but in reverse. You make your deposit into your own Family Bank which itself has a tax free return on. Then you use the family bank to finance every facet of the family's finances: cars, braces , college, really anything you want and then pay the family bank back interest you normally would pay a corporate bank.
You can even use it to buy other investments like income producing assets which is aprt of the ongoing growth strategies Guirk teaches his client base.
Geoff Guirk's office is right in the heart of North Jersey right in Morristown. If you would like more information you can visit his website or call his office 973-937-8387.