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Optimal Financial Management - Greek Bailout Exit Looms - Troika May Not Have a Say 3rd February 2015
As the Greek exit to their bailout looms on the 28th of this month there is a chance that the troika who initially came to Greece's rescue may not have a say in how and when they will receive any returns.
The EU, IMF and ECB came to the countries aid and agreed one of the largest bailouts to date. With €240bn already lent and a final issue of €7.2bn available at the end of the month the 3 make up the majority of Greece's creditors.
The new government has already said that they do not want the final release and have openly said that they will not take the payment and that they will be looking to renegotiate the terms of the exit including the amounts owed.
Of the €240bn, 60% was funded by the European Union and for any changes to be made to the terms all 19 member states would have to agree. This will be where Greece will find its biggest obstacle and this is where they may either be forced to leave the union or will voluntarily look to exit, something which is seen as a massive embarrassment for its members as it has the possibility of setting a president of which there have already been similar calls to action in Spain by the far left, a group who share strong ties with the Greek Syriza party.
The country's debt is now at 175% of GDP and the €315bn it has on its books is a massive debt for the new government to look to reduce, and this is after several creditors had already written down portions back in 2012.
It is extremely sensitive for the European Union to handle this crisis in a firm but open minded way and the majority of analysts agree that an exit for Greece could have untold consequences for the EU. A new strategy for a new government is what is called for and turning Greece's ailing economy around would be a sign that there is hope for Europe and the current deflation seen in the region can be reversed.
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