Nevada has been a preferred place to register a global trading business in the US. There are multiple advantages to setting us a new business in Nevada, including:
- Tax-optimized structure;
- No minimum required share capital;
- The location is great for a holding company;
- The US is one of the easiest places to do business;
- Full foreign ownership for a standard Nevada LLC is allowed;
Nevada companies, in general required low business setup requirements, including:
· A minimum of one director from any nationality;
· A minimum of one shareholder of any nationality is required;
The minimum share capital of just US$1;
The only disadvantage is the annual reporting required and the corporate stigma of ongoing gambling in the state. (
Healy Consultants offers their Clients a cost-efficient solution for a travel-exempt incorporation in Nevada!
About Healy Consultants
Healy Consultants provide a full range of professional services, which include the following:
• Offshore financial services
• Accounting and taxation
• Corporate finance
• Business start-up services
• Corporate banking
• Global marketing services
• Company formation
• International trading strategies
Healy Consultants are professionals who offer quality services, which perfectly match the needs of our highly sophisticated clients. We are also proud of the fact that our services are affordable and accessible by our most modest customers.
Our clients have access to an excellent range of quality products and services. We come with rich experience and a global presence, resulting in unique market awareness beneficial to your firm in more ways than one.
For further information:
Mr. Aidan Healy, Business Owner, Healy Consultants
#15-01 Valley Point, 491B River Valley Road, Singapore 248373
+65 6735 0120
Petar Chakarov