HYDERABAD, India -- Hearind aid is a necessity amongst the hearing impaired but is often viewed reprochfully by the younger generation. Bringing technology to its users HNR speech and Hearing Clinic prompts individuals across India with 100% invisible hearing aids as cosmetic options to treat their hearing loss.
For a long time, box type analog hearing devices or behind the ear type machines were seen as conventional options in south India. HNR Speech and Hearing Clinic headquartered at Hyderabad having branches Pune and Bangalore has been able to earmark this shift from conventional type hearing devices to invisible cosmetic hearing loss treatments for the younger generation.
Invisible hearing aids or IICs are devices which go deep into the ear canal and are custom designed for each individual. Tricky part in tailoring this device is the measurement of ear canal which only an experienced audiologist can take. The IIC is placed very close to the ear drum and hence the professional requires an impression of the later half of the ear canal making sure the tympanic membrane is not touched.
IIC hearing aids makes use of nano technology with miniaturized versions of microphones, receivers and microchips. IIC technology has also introduced wireless streaming to link mobile phones, televisions etc to your device.
If you have a hearing loss there is no room for stigma; it must be treated and you must use a hearing aid before it gets too late. HNR yet again lives up to its reputation of delivering the best technology from the hearing industry to users across south India
courtesy: http://www.hnrspeechandhearing.com
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