BEDFORD, U.K. -- The Repository of Imagination, a publisher of children’s and young adult books, publishes The Therions, a school-based paranormal adventure by debut novelist, Esme Autumns.
Commenting on the launch, Repository of Imagination CEO Tim C. Taylor said: “I’m a great admirer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and when Esme Autumns submitted the Therions manuscript, I caught some of the same Whedon magic. Through the lens of everyday British secondary school life (equivalent to an American High School) we see an ancient evil emerge. One of The Therions’ strengths is that while we see the dark forces through teenaged eyes, the threat is not disconnected from the adult world: school teachers, parents, siblings – everyone is affected and there are no safe places to hide. It’s a novel that will produce a few sleepless nights.”
The Therions is a paranormal YA adventure novel published by The Repository of Imagination worldwide in paperback and Kindle editions on November 24th 2014.
For more information see:
Notes to editors
About Esme Autumns: is a mysterious dreamer of disturbing fantasy adventures who resides in the United Kingdom.
About The Repository of Imagination: The Repository is an imprint of young adult fantasy and science fiction books set up by Greyhart Press.
Tim C. Taylor