LONDON, U.K. -- Through this procedure, individuals can get rid of stubborn fatty tissues or fat accumulating in small pockets in regions of the body. The different types of liposuction technique basically concerns with the mechanism of probes and workstations used, and under what anesthetic type.
Manual tumescent procedure though is chosen by a number of reputed surgeons over the automated versions, does have the potentials of bruising and scarring, as the surgeons’ intuition and patience is the most counted credit. On the other hand mechanised or automated equipments such as the ultrasound assisted Vaser lipo and laser assisted Smart Lipo can have tissue damage, and burning with overexposure to the radiations.
The choice of equipment is rather a surgeon’s thing, and with both manual tumescent lipo and automated lipo techniques can yield the same results with minimal invasiveness and downtime.
The most popular types of liposuction in London
Tumescent Lipo (SAL) is the most commonly used technique. This is indicated to be the traditional process performed manually under tumescent anaesthesia and aspiration.
Ultra-sound assisted lipo (UAL) patented by Vaser Liposuction ( in London, involves ultrasound wavelengths to emit through the Vaser workstation and specially designed cannulas. The course of the procedure is same as the traditional tumescent lipo, whereas the ultrasonic probes adds a step in the process by vibrating into deep layers of fat melting them with less exertion of the cannula and thus minimizing subsequent risks of tissue damage, bruising and scarring.
Smart Lipo procedures are an advanced form of liposuction surgery that provides real-time temperature and motion sensor feedback that is one step above in the evolution of liposuction surgery. It helps to remove the really remote corners of fatty deposits in the body with greater precision. The cannulas used are of microscopic size (1mm).
Smart Lipo procedures use 1046 nm wavelength for greater efficiency and safely. It has a whole family of lasers that are designed for these procedures like the Therma Guide that incorporates intelligent senses near the treatment area of the cannula regulates and senses the temperature. There are also varied types of other procedures that fall under the Smart lipo genre, like the Smartlipo MPX and Smartlipo triPLEX which give different variations of wavelengths like 1064 nm, 1320 nm and 1440 nm.
Consultations with surgeons are free in most cosmetic surgery clinics. Hence it is better for patients to discuss about the Vaser liposuction cost very clearly to get a proper knowledge about how these surgeries are priced. Usually the cost depends on the number of treatable areas which can be more than 2 areas like upper and lower abdomen in the case of abdominal surgeries. Vaser ( liposuction costs start from £ 1,900 and goes higher according to treatable areas.
Smat Lipo cost also depends on the number of treatable areas and also isolated fatty pockets. The SmartLipo cost starts from £1,500 to £1,800 and the slab increases thereafter depending on individual patients.
Harley Body Clinic