GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands -- Cayman Business Directory, also listed under CBD Cayman Business Directory is currently upgrading our site to serve clients better. New features is being added, along with better and more up-to-date modules to agressively target web traffic. Our web page still remains at and our facebook page is located at:
Viewers will have the chance to update listing within our site free of charge coming this Christmas, with first 500 clients given the oppertunity to take advantage of this offer. This offer will include premium packages - allowing users to take advantage of all services associated with package. In addition, new clients will have the chance to advartise business free of charge for the period of one week in any of our online advartisement spaces. Maximum number of ads in home page will be 40, and maximum number of ads in lower spaces will be 30 per slot.
We invite you to conatct us soon as poosible to reserve your FREE online listing.
Cayman Business Directory