*** Hypnotic Telemarketing ***

MIAMI -- When reading HYPNOTC TELEMARKETING, there’s no way to unlearn what you are about to discover... so CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED. Hypnotic Telemarketing Methods, theory and powerful techniques focus on the sending of message-commands to the subconscious mind of the people listening. Once you learn it and understand it for yourself …you can never go back.

Hypnotic Telemarketers will INDUCE HYPNOTIC TRANCE without the subject's knowledge or awareness or they may RECOGNIZE AND USE AN EXISTING TRANCE. They will "FIND ONE OR BUILD ONE." They build by using techniques based on "Disguised Indirect Hypnosis". A laydown sale is exactly that: stumbling onto a consumer that's already entranced… uh I mean ready to "BUY" Getting sold is also known as Closing the Deal or gaining "COMPLIANCE". Either way, hypnotic skills can be used to successfully bypass a listener's conscious defenses and fly under their mental radar. It happens all day, everyday. People believe all sorts of things. Some even believe that hypnosis isn't real, and that makes the process even easier to use.

When someone is ENTRANCED, they are detached from their surroundings and attached to your voice with the words that you speak. They are in a state of deep focus and SUGGESTABILITY IS HEIGHTENED. It's in these NOW moments that anything is possible. When the conscious mind is in abeyance, it is open to suggestions of all forms and types. When someone's ear is actually pressed up to the phone while listening to you, what will you say? Is that why YOU ARE HERE NOW…READING THESE WORDS?

These processes are consciously imperceptible by the untrained ear. You can learn how these processes work and how they can work for you. You can develop your own hypnotic pitch. Hypnotic Telemarketing is a very powerful systematic approach to increase your ability of influencing people and closing sales deals quickly over the telephone. You will be able to gain, hold and direct a prospects attention to have them PURCHASE RIGHT NOW.

Hypnotic Telemarketing is available at Amazon online bookstore.

Get your copy today....

ISBN-13: 978-1502520821

ISBN-10: 1502520826

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