CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- Pay Day Loans offers individuals who are in a financial crisis with small loans ranging from R500 to R3000 until their next pay day. The company Pay Day Loans offers online hassle free unsecured loans or quick cash for car services, medical bills, mortgage payments etc. Pay Day Loans offers reasonable and effective repayment terms ranging between 1 to 12 months.
Pay Day Loans offers its loans online thus gives the customers the freedom to make decisions sitting in the comfort of their home with minimal documentation formalities. On completion of the online application form and being qualified for loan, the chosen loan amount gets directly deposited in the customer’s bank account on the same day. Thus these loans are crucial and helpful in emergency situations.
Pay Day Loans offers 30 day cash loans, fast loans, same day loans, short term loans, overnight cash loans or advance loans to qualified customers. Eligible customers who take loans from Pay Day Loans do not have to deposit any collateral security like assets with the company.
The company Pay Day Loans is registered with the National Credit Regulator and all its financial advisors are highly trained and experienced in their field and thus are able to provide sound financial solutions suitable to specific customers.
Pay Day Loans even offers loans to blacklisted people or people with low credit score if they can pass the affordability test. For more information, visit
About Pay Day Loans:
Located in Cape Town, South Africa, Pay Day Loans for the last twenty years have been providing instant, online, hassle free credit to citizens of South Africa who are in afinancial crisis. The company offers short term loans with easy repayment terms ranging from 1 to 12 months. The company provides instant loan approvals with minimum documentation.
Contact Us:
22 Triangle House, RieBeek Street, 14th Floor
Cape Town, South Africa, 8001
Phone: 087-808-9837
Pay Day Loans