LANE COVE, Australia -- What's New in this Release?
We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.1.0. It brings a number of improvements to Aspose.Tasks’ project data rendering capabilities, making output closer to Microsoft Project’s (MSP) output. It also includes a number of fixes for issues reported with last month’s release. This month’s release enhances the capabilities of rendering source MPP columns to TaskUsage and ResourceUsage views. This is in addition to the other supported views Gantt chart, task sheet and resource sheet views. Aspose.Tasks already provides the capabilities to render footer elements in the output. This month’s release further improves this functionality by including the following additional information to the footer:
· Tasks deadline rendering in a Gantt chart.
· Tasks progress rendering in a Gantt chart.
· Project information such as name and current date.
· Start, finish and duration to page legend.
· Inactive milestones, summary and manual summary roll up to Gantt chart and page legend.
Aspose.Tasks for Java now allows you to render project data to several output PDF files. Earlier this facility was only available when exporting to image files. Aspose.Tasks for Java now provides a feature that allows you to customize the date/time format for rendering. This month’s release introduces the TextStyle property that can be used for custom styling for overallocated resources. The implementation of the TextItemType.OverallocatedResources enables for customizing the color and style for the overallocated resources. This month’s release also fixes a number of bugs that further ads to the overall API functionality improvement. These include task reading exceptions while loading some MPP files, reading tasks from a MPP, missing output data while rendering MPP to PDF, issues related to Gantt chart and many more. Below is the complete list of new features and important bug fixes included in this release.
Implement SF links rendering
Implement manual column rendering as Task Mode with indicator
Implement field aliases rendering when saving project views
Implement original label format rendering for timescale tiers.
Implement Gantt Chart timescale tiers rendering for weeks-years and days.
Add Inactive milestone, inactive summary and manual summary roll up rendering to GanttChart and page legend
Add start/finish/duration only to page legend
Add task splits rendering to GanttChart and page legend
Add external tasks rendering in GanttChart and page legend
Add project info to legend
Retain the text color while MPP -> PDF conversion
Use source MPP GantChart TimeScale information for rendering to PDF
Customize Date/Time format from source MPP to PDF
Render all the columns as per source MPP: Provide support for TaskUsage and ResourceUsage
Provision of Rendering Extra Resource Information while rendering MPP
Saving Project Data to multiple PDF files
MPP->PDF, Footer section now contain all symbols as compared to PDF generated by MSP
ResourceAssignment.setWork raises exception
UID differ while conversion from MPP -> PDF
Columns from source MPP now retained in output PDF
MPP->PDF generates blank output is now fixed
Link arrows with negative lags missing between task in Gantt Chart is fixed
Tasks from MPP can now be read, issues are resolved
TasksReadingException exception raised while opening the MPP is fixed
Actual Start/Finish now updated for parent tasks
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Tasks for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Tasks for performing different tasks like the followings.
- Saving a Project as PDF:
- Get Number of Pages in Project:
Overview: Aspose.Tasks for Java
Aspose.Tasks is a non-graphical Java Project management component that enables Java applications to read, write & manage Project documents without utilizing MS Project. It supports reading MS Project Template (MPT) files as well as allows exporting project data to HTML, BMP, PNG, JPEG, PDF, TIFF, XPS, XAML and SVG formats. It reads & writes MS Project documents in both MPP & XML formats. Developers can read & change tasks, recurring tasks, resources, resource assignments, relations & calendars.
More about Aspose.Tasks for Java
- Homepage of Aspose.Tasks for Java:
- Download of Aspose.Tasks for Java:
- Online documentation of Aspose.Tasks for Java:
- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Tasks for Java Forum:
Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465