SINGAPORE -- A fresh attempt to put together an Arthurian universe by Lady Antiva across multiple media has been launched. A single narrative would connect the story across a new eBook, eComics and PC Game.
“We intend to provide a new engaging format to entertain our audience.” says Mr Henry Toi, MD of Camelot Hobbies. “We fully back Lady Antiva’s attempt to reach out to her fans via Indiegogo.”
Lady Antiva was inspired by the concept of Transmedia and had been working with the game designers, illustrators and concept artist on this project codenamed “Camelot Transmedia: Lady Morgana vs Lady Antiva !”
Central to the project is a new ebook titled “The Camelot Wars” which maps out the central protagonist’s journey, which is then taken up in the game ‘Dragonlord Supremacy: Blue Bastion’, based on the back-story provided in the eComics.
The Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for Arthurian legend fanatics, Comics lovers and PC strategy gamers is as follows:
As an added incentive, samples of the eBook, eComics and the PC Game Demo are now available for all via this link:
Lady Antiva has extended an invitation to LIKE the Camelot Transmedia Facebook page at:
Camelot Hobbies is especially excited about the Transmedia Game Extension (see video link):
As the game plot is written in episodes, like the book – the reader/player is drawn to the universe in a much more engaging way. Dragonlord Supremacy is a turn-based, story-driven and quest-driven PC strategy game that revolves on the medieval conquests in King Arthur’s era. Players take upon the role of a Dragonlord of Queen Morgana, who had to take the lands using whatever means necessary. The turn-based game has two phases—Orders Phase and Reinforcement Phase—per turn for each player.
According to Lady Antiva, “Besides attempting quests to advance the storyline, the gameplay’s unique border management allows players to strategize campaigns that will ultimately affect their progress…Unlike many strategy war games that require players to spend an inordinate amount of time on resource gathering, in order to build and buy – this game allows you to employ strategies around border enlargement and connection! Extend your allied settlements by building bastions to stretch the perimeters of your territory, and strike fear in your opponents!”
Henry adds, “We have put in place all that is needed to create this game, and we now seek the community to help us take the game to launch. The first few quests have been completed and included as part of the demo.”
Through the Indiegogo campaign, Lady Antiva aims to raise $500 to complete ‘The Camelot Wars’. Thereafter, stretch targets have been laid to create more content for the eComics and Game. Since the game Demo is already completed so the proceeds of the campaign will go to completing Episode 1: Blue Bastion and Episode 2: Green Gridlock. At the same time, Henry and his team will be developing the game for iPads and Android tablets. Any remaining proceeds will go towards the creation of more content with the help of backers themselves.
Rewards for campaign backers include acknowledgement as Benefactor, Patron, Champion, Conqueror or Game Advocate at the game credits, Dragonlord Supremacy wallpapers and free demo downloads, PC version copies of the game, free digital copy of the Monsters Compendium.
To find out more, visit the Indiegogo campaign page.
About Camelot Hobbies (
Camelot Hobbies aims to be a leading edutainment provider, focusing in the computer & mobile gaming arenas, as well as edutainment services. Camelot Hobbies is committed to delivering the best in education and entertainment platform, games and game-related products with the best value-for-money. Our product lineup includes (Parent Choice Award (US) winners - Maths-Me! and Conundrum. We have localization capabilities and have successfully translated the Classic BattleTech game and novels from English to Mandarin for the Asian markets. We have localization capabilities and have successfully translated the Classic BattleTech game and novels from English to Mandarin for the Asian markets.
About Lady Antiva
I am Lady Antiva, the new Makidon Guildmaster, recently promoted from being a Senior High Guildman (a too masculine term in my view). I live in Camelot city, and play a crucial role in chronicling various lore of Bretunia. Hence, I have been bestowed the honor as being the co-author of 'The Book of Lore', deputy to Porthios, the Loremaster. I am entrusted with the Guild Fellowship Staff, a tall slender rod of gold metal, encrusted with complex runes, impeccably carved, some small enough to cover with a finger yet more complex than a spider’s web. The top of the Staff is curled into a fanciful hook, a symbol of unity and brotherhood.
Henry Toi