You're hoping that there's more than a chance. You wish there was a way to get her back this minute but you know that's unrealistic. It took time for the two of you to build your relationship initially so it's obviously going to take time to rebuild it now. Instead of thinking in terms of whether or not you have a chance to get her back, start thinking in absolutes and positives. With the right mind frame you can get the woman back and you can even create a connection with her that is closer than you ever thought possible.
Reconnecting with a past love is all about taking things in small steps. Even though your heart is yearning to call her and pour out all your feelings that would be a huge mistake. You're both feeling very vulnerable after the break up so bombarding her with too much emotion too soon will just prove overwhelming to her. You need to begin slowly and the best way to do that is to initiate contact in a strictly friendly sort of way. You have to appear non-threatening and compassionate. Just call her up and make small talk. This will break the ice and it will also give you a chance to gauge what she's feeling and how receptive she is in talking to you.
Once that's done you need to start working on the major part of your plan to get her to come back to you. That centers completely on you. In order to attract a woman, whether it's someone new or your ex, you have to make yourself utterly irresistible. That means getting into the best shape physically and emotionally that you can. You want to appear as though you're completely put together, balanced and thriving when you come in contact with your ex girlfriend again. In other words, you want to knock her socks off and make her crave to be with you again.
You're going to transform yourself into the perfect man for her. You already know who that is, because at one time it was you. Just think about what she loved most about you and those qualities she always wished you had. Combine them and you've got the perfect man to win back her heart. Yes, of course this is going to take effort on your part. But when the end result is a future with the woman you love, how could you not do everything it takes?
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