HONOLULU -- Defending one's life - or that of a loved one, or someone not able to defend themselves, might come down to some level of a physical confrontation but this piece offers the elements that go into what the American Kenpo Karate Club calls: MENTAL self - defense. These elements are taught at the AKKC along side of a traditional Martial Art, but can be applied to virtually any aspect of life.
American Kenpo Karate Club teaches the Tracy System of Self-Defense for its physical self - defense techniques.
Cut and paste the following link into your browser and then taken to Amazon.com where the AKKC 36-elements have been posted and available at Amazon's base cost of $0.99
This piece is 8-pages / 2,600 words when formatted in Microsoft Word
Additionally, this piece shares the only two places on an attacker that a defender can strike and literally stop the attacker without extra force, training or long-term disability; ONLY TWO.
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