Many accredited investors looking for fresh alternative investments through their wealth management firms and financial advisors may never be exposed to investing in media, entertainment, or tech,
"There is a lot of ego with top wealth advisors who put their mass affluent clients into alternative investments that underperform vs. new doors to open", states NOCI'S Yuri Rutman. "We are sending a message to investors that investing in film, tv, and digital companies is a superior long term and privileged alternative investment".
Noci, which has opened its investment doors to a select number of investors at is modeling itself as a hybrid of Netflix and Lions Gate Entertainment.
"Only a handful of people on earth were able to get into early stage investment opportunities such as Hulu, Vimeo, Amazon, Legendary, Netflix, and others"states Rutman. "There was a huge barrier to investment entree that most wealth advisors could not offer vs. a direct opportunity now with us".
The Company tracks many affluent investors who recently sold their own companies and are looking for a new opportunity that may not have been historically accessible.
Prospective investors can get more information at or contacting 310.651.0799.