BARCELONA, Spain -- Barcelona, Spain- Already available in the Apple App Store and preinstalled in Sony Xperia devices, AudioSnaps (a free app used for taking pictures with sound) has just released its 2.0 version for iOS, after some months in the market and answering to the demands of its more than 200,000 users.
The app, which has become very popular around the world but specially in Brazil, Mexico and Spain, can include a few seconds of the environmental sound in a single JPEG file, a system that has already been patented in United States, and that allows users to view and share their audiosnaps on every device and browser.
With the objective of becoming the next step in photographyand help users to better capture their moments, AudioSnaps has created a universal format for pictures with sound.
What's new on version 2.0?
Everything. AudioSnaps has been rebuilt to fulfil their users needs.
·Total redesign of the app, improving its usability and giving better access to the most used functionalities.
·Enhanced audio recording options: users will be able to use the new 'Tap & hold' (take the picture and audio will be recorded while you keep pressed the camera button) in addition to the old system (take the picture and the app will record the 5 seconds of sound before the click).
·The new 'Activity' feed, where users will discover what their friends are doing in AudioSnaps, whether it's liking pictures, commenting, following new users...
·More information: users will have more information and control over everything related to their activity: times that their pictures are viewed, grid views, etc.
AudioSnaps takes pictures with sound and stores everything in a single JPEG file. Just by recording a few seconds of sound while you take your picture, AudioSnaps captures your best moments. Share them in Facebook, Twitter or any website.
Use it like any photography application. It's this easy. No extra clicks, no complex processes. Just take pictures, the app takes care of the rest.
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