BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. -- A dinner party at the Citrus Glen Clubhouse in Boynton Beach was a celebration for members of the Bill Gove Golden Gavel Toastmasters Club the evening of July 25. Its new officers were installed. Doing the installation was Toastmasters District 47 Lt. Governor of Marketing, Jeanine Kinsey of Coral Springs. Officers present and inducted were President Mike Kelly,(Lake Worth), Vice President of Education, Alexandra Van Horn (Boca Raton), Vice President of Public Relations Brenda Robinson (Boynton Beach) Secretary Carolyn Grier (Palm Beach Gardens), Treasurer Dick Robinson (Boynton Beach), and Sargeant at Arms Ed Lamont (Palm Beach). ice President of Membership David O'Malley (Palm Beach) was unable to attend.
The club meets weekly from 12 noon to 1 on Fridays at Duffy's Sports Grill, 4746 N. Congress Avenue, (SE Corner of Hypoluxo and Congress) in Boynton Beach, Florida. The club welcomes new members and helps them improve their speaking and leadership skills.
As pictured, the officers and installer left to right are Mike Kelly, Jeanine Kinsey, Ed Lamont, Brenda Robinson, Dick Robinson, Carolyn Grier, and Alexandra Van Horn.
For further information, visit the club website at
Brenda Robinson