Dublin, Ireland, Sinead Nolan has recently set up a new business New Life for Old Photos as a solution to a problem which everyone faces. What do I do with my old photos?
In the past 10 years, digital cameras and smart phones have ensured all our photos can be uploaded to our PC and preserved online. But pre this digital era we all possess hundreds even thousands of old photos from our past. Many are in photo albums or old boxes and over time it is likely they will get lost or fade in colour. New Life for Old Photos wants to change that.
Sinead set up this business as a result of making a photo book for her daughter aged 12. It was an easy job as all her photos were on the PC. She then went to make the same book for her son who was 19. None of his childhood photos were on her PC. They were in boxes, old albums and some were already lost. Sinead scanned the photos she could find onto her PC. Once this was done, they would always be there for Sinead, her son and future generations to enjoy at a click of a button and out of this a business idea began and now has been launched.
New Life for Old Photos scans your pre digital photos and enhances them so you are receive the best version of your photos on a CD. You then upload them onto your PC where you can then share and enjoy them online with friends and family. New Life for Old Photos also make photo books with your scanned photos which you can give as a gift.
Our goal as a business is to ensure that everyone with just one simple click of a button can access their old precious family photos.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Sinead Nolan at 086 3914343 or email at Sinead@Newlifeforoldphotos.ie.
New Life for Old Photos