ATKINSON, N.C. -- A new online open access journal has been launched where professionals in the Psychotherapy world can share research, information and new tools. It’s free of charge for the authors as well.
E-Journal of Psychotherapy Research will produce original papers, written in concise style; reference will be accurate and the research methodology will be clarified according to academic terms. The selection of the manuscripts will be done by peers on a double blind basis procedure.
Unlike other online journals, E-Journal of Psychotherapy is published by a non-profit organisation no adverts will be visible on the website.
E-Journal of Psychotherapy ( will allow sharing among psychotherapists representing different schools of psychology, from all over the world.
As it is not always easy to put into words the experiences in the studio, the editorial board also welcome papers in progress: in these cases there will be an exchange between the author and the referee/editor.
The e-journal's first issue presents an interesting interview to the Editor Dr Matteo Selvini about the new lines of research at the “Mara Selvini Palazzoli” School, a well-known Family Therapy Center. The interview deals with the intervention models being tested at the school; models that a different approach to conventional family therapy models. His wish is that experimental research may, in the future, include studies that compare different models of psychotherapeutic intervention in the same pathology.
The success of the journal is based on the contribution of the readers, invited to participate by sending in their articles or as reviewers to evaluate, critique, and edit.
For those who wish to discuss certain issues raised in the articles, it is possible to leave a comment (that can also be peer-reviewed).
The journal was created by a non-profit organization founded in Geneva in March 2014, Psy-Res, Psychology and Psychotherapy Research Society.
To consult the E-Journal of Psychotherapy Research and see the interesting articles, please visit