VANCOUVER, Canada -- Baba's Kitchen: Ukrainian Soul Food is a paperback collection of outrageously heart wrenching and hilarious stories and traditional recipes from Soviet and Nazi survivors, including the author's family.
What we see in recent events is not just a demand to sign a modern pact. We are witnessing First Nation resistance to hundreds of years of oppression. Baba's Kitchen leads readers into the complex soul of Eastern Europe's Indigenous people. Ukraine has been continuously inhabited by civilized, immensely inventive people for 44,000 years.
Baba's Kitchen is currently #1 Bestseller in Ukrainian Cooking, #2 in Culture and #4 Bestselling Book in Amazon's 13,000 Ukrainian titles.
More information, including reviews, is on this website: (
Book narrator Baba (Grandma) is the fiercely committed iconic Slavic face we have seen during the new Ukrainian Revolution: one minute humbly cooking soup for other protestors, the next leading a rollicking singalong on a piano rolled up to police barricades.
An extensive bibliography informs claims that Ukrainians: first tamed horses, invented pants (for riding!), the bow and arrow, homes from mammoth bone, built pyramids older than Egypt's, and created Europe's first democratic constitution---which was studied by Thomas Jefferson.
Ancient shamanic and battle practices that sparked the original werewolf and Amazon legends (the latter documented by Greek physician Hippocrates) combine with recipes and customs reaching into the Neolithic era.
384 pages of rollicking reading, with 190 traditional Ukrainian recipes!
Raisa Stone