DUBAI, UAE -- Kids like it sweet but not too sweet, kids like it tasty but not too heavy in taste. nectaflor has taken up this challenging request and has crafted a special Honey for kids only. For kids and moms convenience, AndyBee Honey is proposed in the easy to handle and drop free squeeze bottle.
Kids like it for its grabbing design, balanced taste and mildly sweet Honey aroma. With AndyBee children will be the first at the breakfast table. Don’t let them come off at school, give them a healthy, all natural boost for a long day to come. AndyBee, loved by kids, valued by moms and food specialists.
The Swiss based nectaflor brand owner, Narimpex Ltd, guarantees that when you by the nectaflor Honey brand, you are ensured of a tasty Honey at its “Very Best”, known to be full of natural aroma and countless beneficial nutrients.
Savour AndyBee on corn flakes, toast, pita bread, buns, cereals, yoghurts and mueslis, in porridge, milk, lassi, fruit juices and Honey chai or directly from the spoon. One spoon of nectaflor a day keeps you going a long way
Andreas C. Mueller