The autonomous authority on the development of web,, has declared Prisemteric the 8th best android application development company for this February, 2014. It was regarded as the best company due to their efficient and competent performance. Different companies submitted their projects but only few of them passed the evaluation scheme and were hence showcased in the ratings... There wereapproximately 30 of such applications. has developed an evaluation criterion that focuses on all the essential elements of the web designing and Mobile appications. They evaluate those application development firms that are motivated to develop application solely for open source android based mobiles. For android application development their criterion for evaluation includes the development quality. In this step, the ability of the vendor to generate quality code is perceived and the application developed for the customer by that particular company is evaluated on that basis. Secondly, the application is evaluated on the basis of the design quality. Customer feedback also plays an important role as they are reviewedby the to take an estimate of the quality provided to the customer. The most important and last step of evaluation includes the level of bug testing that is done by the company before releasing it to the customer.
Prisemteric passed all the steps of this thorough evaluation and that is why it is declared as 8th best android based web Development Company. Their remarkable history of successful android application development also contributed to their success.
What is Prisemteric?
Prisemteric is basically an application development company based in India. It gives application development services for android, ipad, iphone etc. It offers website services and outsourcing services to the people across the world. They are experts in the development of mobile applications or games of cellular phones. It also provides the services of website development to the people all over the world.
What is is a process of autonomous reviews and ratings of various things related to web technology.. This online site tests and investigates millions of the web development and application development companies and after rigorous testing only the best of all of those companies are awarded with ratings. On this website, these rating are released monthly to help out the business to hire those companies that are related to the sphere of web development in which they are interested.
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Ashish Parmar