SALISBURY, Mass. -- Chatwing’s Android app can be accessed on GooglePlay. Once installed in one’s mobile phone, the user can instantly use it. The user can use a social media account to as his/her login account. There are multiple methods he can choose – through Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and Tumblr. However, the user can also login as Guest and choose an avatar or he/she can login using a Chatwing ( account as well.
When they login using their social media accounts, their profile pictures will act as their avatar pictures as well. This makes it easier for everyone to discern what social networking site the chatter is logging in from.
After the user logs in, he/she can immediately start chatting by joining one of the two lobby chatrooms. These are found under the General tab. Aside from these two chatroom (, the User can also search for specific chatrooms by entering its name on the Search bar. The Bookmark tab is where they can access these chatrooms again once they saved it.
The users can also create a chatroom if they want to. They’ll need to login using Chatwing though. All they need to do is press the Plus icon button and type in the name of the chatroom they’ll create. Once it’s done, they can immediately start chatting in it.
The app also allows social sharing. Users can easily share their chatrooms via different social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. This is a great way to invite more people into a user’s chatroom.
As of currently, Chatwing is steadily making improvements on the chat app ( Users can visit Chatwing’s blogsite for the newest updates and more.