PORT CHARLOTTE, Fla. -- In 2008 an unknown senator from Illinois shocked the world and won election as the 44th President of the United States. Both he and his presidency has been embroiled in scandal after scandal.
Charges both true and false have been made against the president. Tonight (Feb. 24, 2014) the R Frederick Riddle Show will examine some of the scandals as well as other facts regarding President Obama.
Some of the issues to be examined are:
· His birth
· His education and religion
· Obamacare
· Benghazi
The show has already covered Abraham Lincoln, called by many the savior of the country, and George Washington, our country's first president lovingly known as the Father of the country.
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About R Frederick Riddle
Mr. Riddle is a Christian author, newsletter editor, blogger, and talk radio host, who provides a one-stop resource for his books, blog, and newsletter (RFrederickRiddle.com).
R Frederick Riddle