We are pleased to announce that ScienceQ Publishing Group has been launched with nine open access titles.
Publishing with ScienceQ is completely free of charge. For your kind consideration I have given our titles below.
ScienceQ Publishing Group is an international Open Access publisher, We enables the very rapid dissemination of timely and significant research articles to the global scientific community.
Website: www.scienceq.org (http://www.scienceq.org/)
Journal of Advanced Botany and Zoology
Journal of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Journal of Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Analysis
Journal of Modern Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery Research
Journal of Advancement in Medical and Life Sciences
Journal of Macromolecular Networks and Structural Biology
Journal of Computation in Biosciences and Engineering
Journal of Advancement In Engineering and Technology
Journal of Bioprocessing and Chemical Engineering
Author can send me prepared manuscript directly to the Editorial System via editorialsystem@scienceq.org (mailto:Via-editorialsystem@scienceq.org)
ScienceQ cordially thanking you for spending time on our welcome letter.
Helen R
ScienceQ Editorial system
ScienceQ Publishing Group