WillKinn Media, creartors of the successful Boys Before Friends series announced they will be starting American Promotions for the series which is currently airing on the Viki.com. The series, inspired by the popular Japanese Manga Boys Before Flowers, has completed 6 episodes and has built a large fan base in overseas countires.
Boys Before Friends stars Kevin Markovic and Rose Guess. The series is about a middle class dancer, Zoey, who gets accepted into a school for the rich and elite. The school is run by a group known as the F4. When Zoey stands up to the F4, a war breaks out creating a romantic comedy series that is engaging audiences from around the globe.
Boys Before Friends is a partially crowd funded 16 episode series with distribution through the world’s largest video delivery platform Viki.com. The show is currently seeking to raise additinal funds through crowdfunding in order too complete all 16 episodes. The series which is translated into 21 languages, is hoping to be as successful in the United States as they are in other countries.
To contribute to Boys Before Friends crowd funding campaign, please visit http://fundanything.com/en/campaigns/boys-before-friends. To learn more about the series or to watch an episode, visit www.boysbeforefriends.com
WillKinn Media