PALO ALTO, Calif. -- As part of our continuing program to highlight expertise and excellence in healthcare, takes pleasure in recognizing the world’s top institutions and medical specialists in coronary artery disease research and treatment.
Among those demonstrating particular expertise in coronary artery disease, (, would like to recognize the following ten individual experts and institutions for their pre-eminent contributions to its understanding and treatment:
Leading Experts – Coronary Artery Disease
1.Dr. Patrick Serruys - Erasmus Medical Center
2.Dr. Antonio Colombo - Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele
3.Dr. Gary Mintz - Cardiovascular Research Foundation
4.Dr. Gregg Stone - Columbia University
5.Dr. David Holmes - Mayo Clinic Rochester
6.Dr. Daniel Berman - Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
7.Dr. Adnan Kastrati - Deutsches Herzzentrum Munchen
8.Dr. Matthew Budoff - UCLA
9.Dr. Stephan Achenbach - Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
10.Dr. Leslee Shaw - Emory University
Leading Institutions – Coronary Artery Disease
1.Erasmus Medical Center - Netherlands
2.Brigham and Women's Hospital - Boston
3.Duke University - North Carolina
4.Cleveland Clinic - Ohio
5.Columbia University - New York City
6.Mayo Clinic Rochester - Minnesota
7.UCLA - Los Angeles
8.Johns Hopkins University - Maryland
9.Massachusetts General Hospital
10.Emory University - Georgia
To view Expertscape’s comprehensive results for coronary artery disease, covering hundreds of institutions and thousands of specialists worldwide, please visit
The Expertscape medical search and ranking solution uses objective algorithms to identify the most knowledgeable and experienced doctors and medical institutions across over 26,000 specific topics, stratified by geography. With Expertscape, healthcare consumers can quickly and easily find the top doctors within their travel area and then learn more about their expertise and knowledge. Expertscape defines an expert as someone who has published peer-reviewed research in the science, therapies, and complications for a specific medical topic. To search on any medical topic, visit
Media Contact
Brendan McAdams