When Google’s hummingbird, panda or penguin are on the dormant state, Google's head of search spam, Matt Cutts rattled the digital marketing industry with its other blow. The most loved to be hated man in the digital marketing arena, Matt Cutts warned on his personal blog that “if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop”. Guest blogging is done as it is just gotten too spammy.
At first, his language in the blog post could jolt even an immaculate SEO expert as it was much more broad, saying guest blogging is dead. Later on anticipating the woes of the online world, he clarified that only for purposes of excessive link building or search engine optimization, guest blogging is completely dead. Unveiling the decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO, Matt Cutts said back in the day, guest blogging used to be a creditable and honorable thing but unfortunately, the SEO space has ruined it. He said, “This is why we can’t have nice things in the SEO space: a trend starts out as authentic.” More and more people pile on until the only barest trace of justifiable behavior remains.
Simpliti, the digital arm of Rampgreen, digs deep into the new posting of Matt Cutts to get a knack of understanding of it. Mr. Foyzul Alom Choudhury, Manager, Simpliti, says, “It has been seen that people resort to guest blogging in turn to get do-follow link or two in the article body. It is clearly understandable that SEO practitioners indulge into guest blogging to boost their digital marketing efforts but it is imperative to ensure that in a bit to blindly abiding by 'your' objective, you are not feeding the search engine with poor quality content.”
Matt Cutts offered four points on what should not to be done in guest blogging-
· Never make guest blogging your only link building strategy
· Restrain yourself from sending out thousands of mass emails for requesting the posting of guest blog to random sites
· Avoid using the same guest post on two different sites
· Avoid spinning the same article many times
In short, refrain from doing low quality, automated or abusive guest blogging without any 'editorial' value.
Taking Google's pretty dim view of guest blogging forward, Mr. Foyzul Alom Choudhury explains that Matt Cutts never want to dampen the spirit of guest bloggers. There are still good reasons to do guest blogging, like branding, exposure, increase community, reach, etc. Sadly, various spam websites have latched on to guest blogging as the part of their link building strategy. So, skepticism is the best recommendation which should be diligently followed when someone reaches out to offer you a guest blog.
About Simpliti
Reinforced its position in the online marketplace as a leading SEO company, Simpliti is a reliable digital marketing solutions provider that takes care of client's entire web promotion strategy. With an aim to formulate comprehensive services that offer results for clients, we are offering our services to numerous companies, ranging from small companies with a local interest to enterprises with a global reach.
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