RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore -- Say goodbye to 2013 and look forward to all the best thing in 2014.
Let sumarrise what are the NEW rule and regulation for 2014 ..
Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC ) which formed under Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 ( PDPA) have established new body named DO NOT CALL (DNC) REGISTRY.
DNC allow public OP OUT of receiving any marketing information, text message , sale call by register their phone number with Registry.
Company that send marketing information is required to check with DNC Registry regularly to ensure their recipient's number are not listed in the DNC Registry.
WHEN it takes effect ?
2 January 2014
WHO will be affected ?
All Singapore registered company included company located outside Singapore except public sector no longer permit to collecting , using, or disclosing any of his client data information within Singapore .
However for those company's principal activities is involved in processing data on behalf of a principle owner of such data, are exempted from most of the requirements under the PDPA but company still have the duties to comply with the regulations relating to data protection and retention.
WHAT can PDPC do ?
PDPC is appointed authorised agent to regulate all the company transaction in regard to collecting, using or disclosing personal data with the following legal authorities :
-to enter premises without warrant after issuing 2 days of advanced notice
-with warrant given to search, seize and issue direction to cease all the collecting data transaction and to destroy the data if necessary
- impose financial Penalties upto S$1 million
WHY PDPC is needed ?
To place our business circle as most reliable and secure
HOW to prevent breach of law ?
Must let the related party aware of their right as follow :
- consent to used their personal data
- purpose to use their personal data
- legitimacy to use their personal data
- protection to use their personal data
* Please click here (http://www.pdpc.gov.sg/individuals/do-not-call-registry-you) for more detail information.
WHO is the authorise agent ?
Workforce Development Agency (WDA) urged the public to comply with FAIR CONSIDERATION FRAMEWORK (FCF)requirement during advertise job vacancy.
Is a guideline to comply with before posting job offer which eligible for Employment Pass holder . With the implementation of FCF, company must advertise the job offer to Singaporean at least 14 days before apply to hire Employment Pass holder.
WHEN it take effect ?
1 August 2014
WHO will be affected ?
Employment Pass holder whose salary upto S$12,000 per month. However this DOESNOT apply to company with not more than 25 employee and monthly salary more than S$12,000 per month.
WHERE to advertise ?
Job bank managed by Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA )
WHY is needed ?
Aim to curb discriminatory hiring practices based on cost, nationality, racial.
*Please click here (http://www.mom.gov.sg/Documents/press-releases/2013/facts...) for more detail about FCF.
Please click here (http://www.biztreemgmt.com/wordpress/?page_id=78) to setup company with us.