BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. -- ARKtech.Co is helping local businesses through a new webucation center designed for the do-it-yourself oriented business owners. Participants learn at their own pace and schedule using coffee break sized sessions online. Training videos and access to an online business support community are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Diana Guerrero, CEO of ARKtech said, "In October of 2013 ARKtech tested a training program called the 30 Day Business Challenge. The #30DBC series was delivered to business owners via email. The testing revealed that a better option would be to provide an online training program that can be accessed by subscribers at their own pace and schedule. This way can access the training and implement what they learn."
ARKtech and the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce began working to educate local Big Bear business owners about online marketing in 2013. The "Webucation Wednesdays" have focused on new marketing trends and online strategies to reach the 97% of consumers who are seeking products and services online.
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Pam Scannell said, "ARKtech has been conducting webucation sessions to help businesses since 2013 and this new option offers access to the busy business owners who cannot make the live trainings. Diana Guerrero arranged for a special training website for BBCOC members and we are pleased that our members will receive access at a discounted rate instead of the normal rate."
An introductory webinar (online seminar delivered via live streaming video on the Internet) will be presented to interested members of the Big Bear Chamber on January 9, 2013 to explain the new webucation portal.
The strategic alliance between ARKtech and the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce helps empower local businesses to harness the potential of the Internet. ARKtech was recently recognized by the California State Assembly and received the Business of the Year award for 2013.
For more information about the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce call Pam Scannell at (909) 866-4607 and for details on the new online training option visit http://ARKtech.Co.
ARKlady - Diana L Guerrero
(909) 833-1275