Mike McMahon, a 77 year old researcher, writer and publisher, claims he is a very lucky man because there are so many things he doesn’t have.
At an age when so many people are on the downhill slope to an old age of illness and pain, Mike is able to rejoice that he does not have arthritis, alzheimers, allergies, bladder or bowel problems, bronchitis, cancer, chronic fatigue, diabetes, depression, dementia, heart disease, high cholesterol, inflammation, joint pains, obesity, osteoporosis, prostate problems, ulcers, viral infections, or any of the many major health problems that affect older people.
Mike doesn’t get colds or ‘flu and has no chest or breathing problems. He hasn’t needed to see a Doctor for more than 10 years. In fact his last visit was just for a check-up at age 65, which gave him the “all clear”.
When you get to know him, it is obvious that what Mike does have is excellent good health, energy, flexibility, strength and stamina.
How does he do it at 77 years of age?
Mike claims he has “Seven Secrets for a long and healthy life”. He explains these and much more, in his book “Super-fit at Seventy”, which he is giving free of charge as a New Year gift to anyone who wants to improve their life and health.
You can get much more information and your free copy by going to Mike’s web site at – http://www.superfitatseventy.com
Michael McMahon
Ocean Publishing
38 Woodbourne Road, Douglas
Isle of Man, UK, IM1 3AN
Michael McMahon