Gionee Smartphones has announced the launch of its new flagship Smartphone ELIFE E7 in India. ELIFE E7 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor a 2.2GHz quad Krait CPU and runs on Android-based operating system AMIGO 2.0. It is designed specifically to bring the technology of professional digital cameras to smartphones with a best-in-class lens and a breakthrough image sensor.
The Gionee ELIFE E7 possesses a 16MP rear camera and 8MP front camera. It is equipped with the latest third-Generation Gorilla Glass which is twenty times more scratch resistance than regular classes and twice as durable as the second-generation of Gorilla Glass. The sensitive ELIFE E7 touchscreen is also responsive to gloves, wet hands, and keys to ensure photographers can take pictures in any weather and any situation. It comes with built-in 12 Levels of Auto Beauty feature to ensure that the user will always look flawless in every picture.
"We designed ELIFE E7 with the best-in-class hardware and software that will make it stand out on any parameter. A joint development with OmniVison has enabled the Elife E7 to sport a 16- mega pixel sensor with 1.34 μm pixels which enables users with the ability to shoot razor-sharp images without compromising the photo's resolution or image quality," said Lu Weibing, President, Gionee Smartphones.
The price of Elife E7 32GB and 16GB is Rs.29,999/- and Rs.26,999/-, respectively. It will be available in black, white, blue, pink, green, yellow and orange colours and will be available in India starting January 2014.