the book titled "7 Deadly Relationship Sins" (how to survive and thrive in your relationship) is now available on Amazon kindle and google play for purchase online. this is Mr Castillo's 7th published book and destined to be a top seller.
Mr. Castillo Says "i'm very proud of this book, as alot of us I had struggled in my relationships in the past and over the years have learned a thing or two about relationships and Like most of us I wish I knew then what I know now. hopefully this book will help those people out there still struggling with making thier relationships work."
you can visit the link below for google books or search for it on google books by typing in the name of the book 7 Deadly Relationship sins and the authors name A Castillo (
for amazon kindle the link is
Mr Castillo is currently working on his first full length novel which will be released in the summer of 2014
here is the Foreword from his book:
“Relationships are one of the most difficult things in
life to maintain and one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have in this life, this book will endeavor to explain why Relationships fail and how to avoid such failures, I hope you enjoy and put the lessons in this book to good use.”
A Castillo
A Castillo